Prenatal vitamin syrup with herbs that nourish the body and tone the digestive, reproductive, nervine, endocrine and urinary systems.
Our prenatal vitamin syrup is nutritive, supportive of digestion/elimination and a cardiovascular, uterine and urinary tonic. It also includes herbs that nourish the nervous system. Pregnancy in itself is a time of emotional expansion. The give and take of day to day life often means that new mothers are exposed to additional amounts of stress. We included calming Oatstraw with this component of pregnancy in mind.
The increased demand for nutrients throughout pregnancy is clear to all. In putting together our prenatal vitamin syrup we began by reaching for our most nutritive herbs; Nettles; Parsley; Alfalfa; Red Clover, Red Raspberry and Oatstraw are wonderfully rich sources of iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium and a plethora of vitamins from B to K. The high bio-availability of these nutrients means they are easily absorbed and non-constipating. We also included herbs that support the process of digestion and elimination. Constipation and nausea are among the most common ailments associated with pregnancy. We also included Anise and Fennel to settle the stomach promoting healthy appetite and minimizing the feeling of nausea.
Ingredients: Nettle, Red Raspberry leaf, Alfalfa, Oatstraw, Red clover blossoms, Parsley, Comfrey leaf, Spearmint, Dandelion leaf, Rosehips, Anise, Fennel, Yellow Dock root, Marshmallow root, Burdock root Buckwheat honey and 100% whole grain alcohol