An energetically uplifting and centering tea for postpartum blues.
This tea is for those experiencing depression or anxiety at any point in their postpartum period. This tea is uplifting, centering and supportive through an initial period of "baby blues" or signs of postpartum depression or anxiety. This tea can be taken preventively for those who have experienced postpartum depression previously or have a history of depression or anxiety.
Oatstraw is a nutritive nervine tonic which soothes nerves in conjunction with nourishing our bodies. Its effects are best demonstrated over time. Lemon balm is another nervine tonic which is calming, soothing and supportive of our immune system. These herbs lift our spirits and calm our worries - helping with sleep and slowing of anxious thinking.
Ingredients: Red Raspberry, Lemon Balm, and Lemon Verbena Leaves, Oatstraw, Jasmine Blossoms, and Rose Petals